IGEN launched on December 2, 2019, with the vision to create a universe that inspires to use its products again and again, instead of throwing them away. IGEN means again in danish. That vision still drives us today and motivates us to constantly strive to be frontrunners by delivering the best and most innovative alternatives on the market. Through material science and close collaboration with our manufacturers, we will minimize waste and unnecessary waste by using recyclability and innovative materials in the manufacture of our products. At IGEN, our products are created with respect for the customer and with respect for ourselves.

We don’t believe in compromising personal aesthetics or usability to create more responsible products. That’s why we’re constantly working to reduce our impact throughout the entire process, from the first design ideas to the production process itself, and until our products land in your hands. Dive into our initiatives and read more here.

Who is behind IGEN?

IGEN was founded in 2019 by Louise Bjerre. If her name sounds familiar, it may be because you have come across her on her YouTube channel @LouLiving, Instagram or TikTok, where she has shared her entrepreneurial journey over the years. Louise has always had an entrepreneurial spirit and has started several companies, written books, won awards, appeared on TV shows and participated in a wide range of podcasts.

In 2023, Louise was even nominated as Entrepreneur of the Year for the Simba Prisen in recognition of her work with IGEN. Later in the year, she will publish the book " Guide to Entrepreneurship (Louise's Version)," where she guides her followers and readers through the challenges and joys of the entrepreneurial journey.

Louise has always wanted to provide an honest and nuanced insight into everyday life as an entrepreneur and the personal development she has undergone with a focus on the principles of sustainability through her platforms. Her values ​​and IGEN's values ​​were shaped by her discovery of the daily waste caused by disposable products. This drove her to create high-quality reusable products without compromising on design. Since the introduction of IGEN's first product, the reusable cotton pads, Louise has developed more than 200 products, which you can find the best selection of today at igen.dk.

If you are interested in knowing more about Louise's journey with entrepreneurship and IGEN, you can read more about her book right here.


You are always welcome to contact us!

For general inquiries, please contact us on social media @igendk or by email hey@igen.dk

 For collaboration or partnerships, contact samarbejde@igen.dk

We are always ready to help you get back on track!